My new book on business ethics

"Conversations on Ethics and Business" is a book that caters to business school students and teachers. It delves into the real-life ethical challenges people face in the workplace and provides additional readings to supplement the knowledge. It is also helpful for working professionals who desire an introduction to business ethics. The book highlights the significance of ethical decision-making in everyday business choices and provides practical examples to illustrate this point. Filled with real-world examples, Conversations on Ethics and Business serves as a primer for all readers interested in business ethics and applied ethics in general.

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My classes

Over the years I have been teaching on various topics at different institutions in Luxembourg, US, Spain, UK and Croatia.

  • Business Ethics (and Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability) – Course designed to cover basic issues in business ethics and ways that they manifest in the social sphere. (Luxembourg School of Business, Zagreb School of Economics and Management
  • Leadership – Course prepares students for leadership situations in a contemporary business environment. Course is designed to give an overview of main tenets, as well as strengths and weakness, of major leadership theories as well as train students in skills useful for leadership situations. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Motivation and Post-Industrial Models of Leadership – Course looks at traditional leadership theories and approaches that are being used in business education and practice and discusses how these theories stand when faced with contemporary business context. (St. Ambrose University)
  • Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation & ”Good Life” – Course looks at content theories of motivation (intrinsic motivational theories) that are frequently used in management as ways to motivate employees. The course compares these theories with the ideas about human beings found in philosophy. (St. Ambrose University)
  • Corporate Quality – Introduces the basic phenomena, concepts, procedures, problems, and solutions in the general topics of quality in business, business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. (Universidad International de la Rioja)
  • Leadership, Management and Organisation Theory – Course for doctoral researchers to develop a critical understanding of the ways in which the diverse variety of theoretical perspectives that constitute Organisation Theory both underpin and challenge common sense ways of viewing, leading and managing organisations. (Sheffield – Hallam University & Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Introduction to Philosophy – Introductory course in philosophy providing an overview of major philosophical disciplines and questions. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Philosophical Anthropology – Philosophical exploration of what being human is. (Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies)
  • History of Modern Philosophy – History of philosophy course discussing the period from René Descartes to Immanuel Kant. (Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies)
  • Critical Thinking – Course designed to train students in argument formulation and analysis. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Croatian Studies – Overview of the most relevant details of Croatian culture, history and economy. The overall approach used in the course is interdisciplinary including (socio) historical, sociological, anthropological, and philosophical perspectives. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Theory of Knowledge – International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) course providing an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know.

My classes

Over the years I have been teaching on various topics at different institutions in Croatia, US, and Spain.


  • Business Ethics (and Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability) – Course designed to cover basic issues in business ethics and ways that they manifest in the social sphere. (Luxembourg School of Business, Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Leadership – Course prepares students for leadership situations in a contemporary business environment. Course is designed to give an overview of main tenets, as well as strengths and weakness, of major leadership theories as well as train students in skills useful for leadership situations. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Motivation and Post-Industrial Models of Leadership – Course looks at traditional leadership theories and approaches that are being used in business education and practice and discusses how these theories stand when faced with contemporary business context. (St. Ambrose University)
  • Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation & ”Good Life” – Course looks at content theories of motivation (intrinsic motivational theories) that are frequently used in management as ways to motivate employees. The course compares these theories with the ideas about human beings found in philosophy. (St. Ambrose University)
  • Corporate Quality – Introduces the basic phenomena, concepts, procedures, problems, and solutions in the general topics of quality in business, business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. (Universidad International de la Rioja)
  • Leadership, Management and Organisation Theory – Course for doctoral researchers to develop a critical understanding of the ways in which the diverse variety of theoretical perspectives that constitute Organisation Theory both underpin and challenge common sense ways of viewing, leading and managing organisations. (Sheffield – Hallam University & Zagreb School of Economics and Management)


  • Introduction to Philosophy – Introductory course in philosophy providing an overview of major philosophical disciplines and questions. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Philosophical Anthropology – Philosophical exploration of what being human is. (Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies)
  • History of Modern Philosophy – History of philosophy course discussing the period from René Descartes to Immanuel Kant. (Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies)

Other (interdisciplinary) topics

  • Critical Thinking – Course designed to train students in argument formulation and analysis. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Croatian Studies – Overview of the most relevant details of Croatian culture, history and economy. The overall approach used in the course is interdisciplinary including (socio) historical, sociological, anthropological, and philosophical perspectives. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Theory of Knowledge – International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) course providing an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know.

Books & Editorial Books

  • Krkač, K., & Jalšenjak, B. (Eds.). (2018). Applied Ethics and Artificial Intelligence. Contributions of the International Conference on “Applied Ethics and Artificial Intelligence.” Zagreb School of Economics and Management.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (Eds.). (2016). Poslovna etika, korporacijska društvena odgovornost i održivost [Business ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability] (2.). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (Eds.). (2015). Uvod u filozofiju i kritičko mišljenje [Introduction to philosophy and critical thinking] (2.). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2014). Društveno odgovorno poslovanje. Udžbenik za 2. Razred ekonomske škole [Social responsibility of business. A highschool textbook]. MATE d.o.o.

Academic Journal Articles

  • Richards, R. L., & Jalšenjak, B. (2023). The Failures of Odysseus’ Heroic Leadership: A Cautionary Myth. Nova Prisutnost, XXI(1), 119–132.
  • Mihaljević, L., & Jalšenjak, B. (2019). Potrošačka kultura i ekonomija identiteta: Potrošački mentaliteti i interdisciplinarna približavanja [Consumer mentalities and interdisciplinary approaches]. Obnovljeni život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, (2.), 217–231.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Šestak, I. (2017). Može li se govoriti o moralnosti kod nižih vrsta: De Waalova teorija i s njom povezane rasprave [Is it possible to talk about morality: De Waal’s and connected theories]. Diacovensia : teološki prilozi, 25(3), 439–454.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2016). A Bridge Too Far: Abraham Maslow’s Bridging the Is-Ought Gap. International Journal of Digital Technology & Economy, 1(2), 75–84.
  • Žigman, A., Klobučar, I., & Jalšenjak, B. (2016). Utjecaj financijske krize na društvenu preraspodjelu: Razlozi, rezultati i etički osvrt [The impact of the financial crisis on social redistribution: causes, results and ethical review]. Obnovljeni život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, (3.), 375–388.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Šestak, I. (2015). Dobrobiti poznavanja filozofije za organizacijske znanosti: Primjer Aristotelove filozofije i teorije samoodređenja [Impact of philosophy on organizational sciences: The example of Aristotle’s philosophy and the Self-determination theory]. Obnovljeni život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, (2.), 151–162.
  • Vukas, J., Gvozdanović, I., & Jalšenjak, B. (2012). Elementi poslovne etike u financijskom sektoru s naglaskom na investicijske fondove [Elements of business ethics in the financial sector with an emphasis on investment funds]. Obnovljeni život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, (1.), 45–57.
  • Šestak, I., & Jalšenjak, B. (2011). Škvorc o marksizmu [Bishop Škvorc on marxism]. Vrhbosnensia : Časopis Za Teološka i Međureligijska Pitanja, 14(2), 341–371.
  • Buzar, S., Jalšenjak, B., Krkač, K., Lukin, J., Mladić, D., & Spajić, I. (2010). Habitual lying. Philosophical Papers and Review, 2(3), 34–39.
  • Krkač, K., & Jalšenjak, B. (2009). Prividni društveni ugovor kao temelj stvarnog društva [Illusionary social contract as a foundation for an actual society and a business contract]. Obnovljeni život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, (2.), 179–196.
  • Šestak, I., & Jalšenjak, B. (2009). Čovjekovo opstojanje i životinjsko postojanje [Man’s subsitence and Animal Existence]. Obnovljeni život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, (1.), 7–31.

Book Sections

  • Richards, R. L., & Jalsenjak, B. (2022). The End of Leaders and Followers and the Emergence of Collaborating Co-creators. In S. Dhiman, J. Marques, J. Schmieder-Ramirez, & P. G. Malakyan (Eds.), Handbook of Global Leadership and Followership (pp. 1–26). Springer International Publishing.
  • Krkač, K., Jalšenjak, B., & Matišić, M. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility in Croatia: Recent Developments of Corporate Social Responsibility in Croatia (2013–2019). In S. O. Idowu (Ed.), Current Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 63–78). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalšenjak, B. (2020). The Artificial Intelligence Singularity: What It Is and What It Is Not. In S. Skansi (Ed.), Guide to Deep Learning Basics (pp. 107–115). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalsenjak, B. (2020a). Altruism. In S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo, & R. Abreu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management (pp. 1–2). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalsenjak, B. (2020b). Governance. In S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo, & R. Abreu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management (pp. 1–4). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalsenjak, B. (2020c). Principle of Solidarity. In S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo, & R. Abreu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management (pp. 1–3). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalsenjak, B. (2020d). Principle of Subsidiarity. In S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo, & R. Abreu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management (pp. 1–3). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalsenjak, B. (2020e). Sustainability of Boards. In S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo, & R. Abreu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management (pp. 1–3). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalsenjak, B. (2019a). Ethical Absolutism V Ethical Relativism. In S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo, & R. Abreu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management (pp. 1–2). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalsenjak, B. (2019b). Ethics and Ethical Theories. In S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo, & R. Abreu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management (pp. 1–5). Springer International Publishing.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2018). Teaching business ethics in transitional cultures An example of practice at Zagreb School of Economics and Management. In A. Stachowic-Stanusch & W. Amann (Eds.), Management Education for Corporate Social Performance (pp. 33–51). Information Age Publishing, INC.
  • Jalšenjak, B., Petrović, P. D., & Martinović, R. (2017). Walk Around Croatia. In B. Jalšenjak & L. Mihaljević (Eds.), Road through Croatia (pp. 6–26). MATE Ltd.
  • Heršak, E., & Jalšenjak, B. (2016). Pogovor: Borba za nadmoć ili za što? [Afterword: Fight for power or what?]. In Brendan Simms: Europa. Borba za nadmoć od 1453. Do danas (pp. 648–653). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2016). Pregled razvoja koncepta društveno odgovornog poslovanja [Overview and development of social responsibility concepts]. In B. Jalšenjak & K. Krkač (Eds.), Poslovna etika, korporacijska društvena odgovornost i održivost (pp. 169–192). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jergovski, A., Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2016). Korporacijska društvena neodgovornost zaposlenika [Corporate social irresponsibility of employees]. In B. Jalšenjak & K. Krkač (Eds.), Poslovna etika, korporacijska društvena odgovornost i održivost (pp. 507–516). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2016a). Društveno odgovorno poslovanje i promicanje ljudskih prava u radnoj okolini [Social responsibility of business and promotion of human rights in the workplace]. In B. Jalšenjak & K. Krkač (Eds.), Poslovna etika, korporacijska društvena odgovornost i održivost (pp. 298–321). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2016b). Društveno odgovorno poslovanje, tržišni odnosi i odnosi sa lokalnom zajednicom [Social responsibility of business, market relations and local community]. In B. Jalšenjak & K. Krkač (Eds.), Poslovna etika, korporacijska društvena odgovornost i održivost (pp. 322–338). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2016c). Društveno odgovorno poslovanje u Republici Hrvatskoj [Social responsibility of business in Croatia]. In B. Jalšenjak & K. Krkač (Eds.), Poslovna etika, korporacijska društvena odgovornost i održivost (pp. 339–362). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2016d). Ekološka etika i slučajevi ekoloških katastrofa [Ecological ethics and cases of ecological disasters]. In B. Jalšenjak & K. Krkač (Eds.), Poslovna etika, korporacijska društvena odgovornost i održivost (pp. 280–297). MATE d.o.o.
  • Eterović, P., Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility in Croatia: From Historical Development to Practice. In S. O. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, & M. S. Fifka (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe (pp. 231–243). Springer, Cham.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Mladić, D. (2015). Filozofska antropologija [Philosophical anthropology]. In B. Jalšenjak & K. Krkač (Eds.), Uvod u filozofiju i kritičko mišljenje (pp. 111–129). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B. (2015). Filozofija u menadžmentu [Philosophy of Management]. In B. Jalšenjak & K. Krkač (Eds.), Uvod u filozofiju i kritičko mišljenje [Introduction to philosophy and critical thinking] (pp. 323–334). MATE d.o.o.
  • Eterović, P., Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2014). A Short Historical Overview of Business Ethics in Croatia. In A. Calvert (Ed.), Probudi krepost! Aretaički pristup filozofiji (pp. 457–478). Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove.
  • Jergovski, A., Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2012). Korporacijska društvena neodgovornost zaposlenika [Corporate social irresponsibility of employees]. In I. Koprek (Ed.), Zaslužuje li radnik pravednu plaću? Etička—Religijska- politička promišljanja (pp. 189–201). Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove.
  • Martinović, M., & Jalšenjak, B. (2012). Nemili je incident društvo DIOKI d.d. Neopravdano izložio negativnom publicitetu—Studija slučaja [Unfortunate incident has left DIOKI ltd exposed to negative influence—Case study]. In M. Martinović (Ed.), Marketing u Hrvatskoj. 55 poslovnih slučajeva (pp. 255–261). MATE d.o.o.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2010). Pogovor [Afterword]. In Ludwig von Mises: Antikapitalistički mentalitet (pp. 85–93). MATE d.o.o.

Conference Papers

  • Elms, H., Kurdyukov, R., Preuss, L., Golob, U., Zaharia, R. M., Jalsenjak, B., Bulatova, J., Hardy, P., Burg, R., & Noveskaite, A. (2019). Higher education institutions as catalysts for CSR discourse? Assessing CSR teaching and research in Central and Eastern Europe. In M. Morsing, U. Golob, & K. Podnar (Eds.), CSR COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE 2019: CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (pp. 230–234). University of Ljubljana; Stockholm School of Economics.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Krkač, K. (2018). Reintroducing Disputations as a possible way to practice critical thinking. In K. Aleksić-Maslać & P. Vranešić (Eds.), 6th Higher Education Institutions Conference Proceedings (pp. 64–69). MATE Ltd.
  • Krkač, K., & Jalšenjak, B. (2018). Ethics of the species 5618 from our artificial intelligent point of view. Applied Ethics and Artificial Intelligence. Contributions of the International Conference on “Applied Ethics and Artificial Intelligence,” 187–204.
  • Jalšenjak, B. (2016). Definicija čovjeka u poslovnom svijetu [Definition of a human being in the business world]. In I. Koprek (Ed.), Ima li u ekonomiji mjesta za milosrđe? (pp. 43–54). Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove.

Academic Conference Talks

  • Jalsenjak, B., & Richards, R. L. (2021, November 10). Traits Theory of Leadership: Critique From the Undistributed Middle [Conference presentation]. Leadership in the 21st Century. Ushering in the Postindustrial Paradigm, University of Indianapolis — The Institute for Postindustrial Leadership
  • Krkač, K., Matišić, M., & Jalšenjak, B. (2019, September 23). Introductions in times of fusion of education and technology: The case of philosophy [Conference presentation]. 7th Higher Education Institutions Conference: Building Agile Organizations, Opatija, Croatia.
  • Jalšenjak, B., & Buzar, S. (2017, February 24). Politike zapošljavanja, demografija i poslovna etika [Hiring processes, demographics and business ethics] [Conference presentation]. Poslovna etika i demografska politika. Konferencija Centra za poslovnu etiku, Zagreb.
  • Jalšenjak, B. (2016, February 26). Milosrdan čovjek u poslovnom svijetu [Merciful human in the business world] [Conference presentation]. Milosrđe i suvremena ekonomija. Interdisciplinarna konferencija Centra za poslovnu etiku, Filozofski fakultet Družbe Isusove.
  • Jergovski, A., & Jalšenjak, B. (2012). O Grcima i gosparima – Pregledni prikaz tematike ropstva u Aristotela i Gučetić [Of Greeks and Gentleman—Overview of slavery in Aristotle’s and Gučetić’s works] [Conference presentation]. Antička ekonomija - skup Zagrebačke škole ekonomije i managementa i Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb.

Intellectual contributions

[ For the full and up-to-date list of my publications please click links in following section ]

Usable knowledge

I strive to provide usable knowledge to individuals and organizations. I work closely with organizations to provide relevant insights on real business issues.

Participants in my workshops, executive education and short business programs come from various companies. Some of them are: Erste & Steiermärkische Bank, Croatian Employers Association, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Podravka d.o.o., Croatian Association of Corporate Treasures, Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, Interigre d.o.o., Atlantic Grupa, Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Imc information multimedia communication AG, Etnographic Museum Zagreb, Hrvatska poštanska banka, Tele2 Croatia, HEP Group, Croatian Employment Service, Royal Bank of Canada, Ferrero, Belje d.d.

Workshop participant's companies


If you are interested in my work in more detail, you can look me up on Google Scholar and official Croatian Scientific Bibliography web page CROSBI.